As it wonders; what should I do next? What about my project? How to get her attention? Why are they laughing to their sins? How do I fund my traveling? What should I do with my life? What about my project? WTF am I thinking about? How do I answer my next question? As it goes round and round, over and over in my head, in my mind, in my brain as it flows through and through again. I can go on for a week with sleepless nights. I can't stop until there's a solution, unless I'm distracted. This usually works 63.44%. But still it’s a mental pondering that I can’t switch off and on just like that. My friends would usually say that I think too much. But how can I avoid these random views, opinions, judgements, moods, memories, psyches, disagreements, nous, reasons? Even a minor situation can bother me. Why does it happen to me?
My mom once said that when I was a kid I usually have
that dissatisfaction looks on my face and I would go silent and consider something carefully and thoroughly. Sometimes it would just go on. Was I brought up like that? Or was it my genes from my parents; intelligent wise thinker and psychology manipulator. But it's not all bad. There are positives with my thoughts. Ideas, the rare, the unthinkable, the alternate answer, the problem solver would come out of the mechanical mind. It's not always right but its sequatiously coming out first hand from the head. Multi-tasker to save time. Versatile in various sports. Sarcasm to the extreme that will laugh your lungs out. Determination when interested. Creative decision maker in spontaneous scenario. The best of all is having consciousness of the surroundings, situation and mostly people. Automatically, I like doing observations on a human mind. And from that I would make predictions. The more I observe, the better my predicts. I would say that my prediction is usually 71.37% right but then again I maybe wrong. Or am I exaggerating? Hmmm… another word to explain my sanity; exaggerator.
Once, lately there's a religious man whom wanted to do some cleansing in my house on a request of one of my neighbours. So he did all that and offered to cleanse the members of my family in the house. We agreed, and one by one, each of us taking turns to be cleared. The Ustadz took a long time on me and my mom especially concentrating on our heads which he palms calmly on it. In result he said that there's a lot going on, bothering and disturbance in our minds. Interesting indeed. What does that mean? Certainly my head becomes lighter after the cleansing.
Usually all these sensitivity in my mind I would tell out. After a while I find myself in these situation where it wonders, ponders and fonder. So to my beloved friends, do become intelligible of my wondering moments and my random acts as it is a part of me. As I grow older, the wit expands. I don't know how to overcome my jargons in contrast my gift. Everything in life there's pros and cons. The best way is just to distract me with something interesting. But what if when I’m alone? haha.. Basically I’m writing it out here can be one of my solutions plus I can improve on my English. Do accept my theories and do correct me if I’m wrong practically and verbally. Cheers =>
Where Is My Mind?
Ooooooh - STOP
With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trip and spin it, yeah
Your head'll collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Way out in the water
See it swimming
I was swimming in the Carribean
Animals were hiding behind the rock
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
was trying to talk to me, coy koi
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Way out in the water
See it swimmin'
-Pixies, Fight Club Soundtrack-
My mom once said that when I was a kid I usually have

Once, lately there's a religious man whom wanted to do some cleansing in my house on a request of one of my neighbours. So he did all that and offered to cleanse the members of my family in the house. We agreed, and one by one, each of us taking turns to be cleared. The Ustadz took a long time on me and my mom especially concentrating on our heads which he palms calmly on it. In result he said that there's a lot going on, bothering and disturbance in our minds. Interesting indeed. What does that mean? Certainly my head becomes lighter after the cleansing.
Usually all these sensitivity in my mind I would tell out. After a while I find myself in these situation where it wonders, ponders and fonder. So to my beloved friends, do become intelligible of my wondering moments and my random acts as it is a part of me. As I grow older, the wit expands. I don't know how to overcome my jargons in contrast my gift. Everything in life there's pros and cons. The best way is just to distract me with something interesting. But what if when I’m alone? haha.. Basically I’m writing it out here can be one of my solutions plus I can improve on my English. Do accept my theories and do correct me if I’m wrong practically and verbally. Cheers =>
Where Is My Mind?
Ooooooh - STOP
With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trip and spin it, yeah
Your head'll collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Way out in the water
See it swimming
I was swimming in the Carribean
Animals were hiding behind the rock
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
was trying to talk to me, coy koi
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Way out in the water
See it swimmin'
-Pixies, Fight Club Soundtrack-
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